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GingerNut 8:16 Fri Mar 30
Cheats in sport
So the Aussie cricketers get slaughtered and reviled for their cheating, which was designed to have a minimal impact on the ball's trajectory, but when B'mouth player fists a ball into the net for a goal, then tells the ref "I didn't touch it", even though TV replays showed he did, f*** all is done about it. Those 2 points we lost may well make the difference between staying up or relegation. Not saying our players are angels, but it makes my blood boil. It all evens out over a season, my arse!

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zico 12:44 Sat Mar 31
Re: Cheats in sport
I don't know what's worse the cheating or blubbing in front of the cameras at press conferences afterwards. They aren't upset due to a crisis of conscience they are blubbing away because they got caught!!

BRANDED 12:18 Sat Mar 31
Re: Cheats in sport
Been thinking quite a bit about this this week. You either cheat cos you cant win by the rules, cant bear to lose or the pressure due to money turns you into a cheaty little cunt.
The money pressure must be quite a big thing now days. Money spoiling sport. Who'd have thought?

Willtell 12:11 Sat Mar 31
Re: Cheats in sport
GBHammer63 12:40 Sat Mar 31
Re: Cheats in sport
"It’s all about which team cheats best, we’re shit at it"

Oh I don't know! We've got three owners that are masters at it....

Sven Roeder 9:57 Sat Mar 31
Re: Cheats in sport
It seems after the Niasse case and the Lanzini debacle that the purge on ‘cheating’ has been quietly shelved.
It’s hard not to think it’s because Dele Alli and Harry Kane have both been serial offenders before and since and it’s all too embarrassing.
Have always said if you have a rising range of penalties so that a third offence say gets a season ban you’d wipe it out in half a season.
Needs a concerted approach by FIFA but don’t think they believe diving and deceiving is actually cheating.

SDKFZ 222 1:34 Sat Mar 31
Re: Cheats in sport
I read an article today about Leicester players using ‘Snus’, a moist tobacco like product that is usually kept in a tea bag style pouch. It gives a nicotine hit up to three times more powerful than smoking it in cigarette form.

Apparently, held against the gums for about ten minutes, and according to a New Zealand doctor, “it gives the receiver a hit and a buzz which stimulates the body and brain, which makes it feel like a person has been pepped up.” Jamie Vardy admitted in his autobiography using this product, sometimes several times per match.

It is not illegal to possess, use or consume Snus but there is a ban on sales of it within the UK. Health risks include cancer of the gums.

Several discarded pouches were found in the dug out after a recent Leicester match. Could this be the real reason behind as to why Leicester won the league against all odds?

GBHammer63 12:40 Sat Mar 31
Re: Cheats in sport
It’s all about which team cheats best, we’re shit at it

Mike Oxsaw 12:12 Sat Mar 31
Re: Cheats in sport
It does appear that whatever generates the highest viewer ratings/readership is what is allowed these days, no matter what the rules of the actual sport are.

The majority of today's (TV viewing) generation don't seem to give a fuck how a win is achieved, just so long as it's their team achieving it. That's when it ceases to be (a) sport, in my eyes. That's when I lose interest in it and all that surrounds it.

lowermarshhammer 12:09 Sat Mar 31
Re: Cheats in sport
Zeb is spot on with his 'there was contact' comment.

I remember a time when in a penalty box it was a doddle for referees to make the correct decision because attackers would be doing their upmost to stay upright and stick the ball in the fucking net. That was their no.1 priority and a defender would really have to put in a clattering fucker of a challenge to put the forward off from his intention of getting a shot in.

jfk 11:56 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
There is no such thing as a scale of cheating.You are either honest and a man of you're words or you're a cheating cunt.

Hasans Fish Bar RIP 11:51 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
I know the Colchester Youth League is hardly the prem in terms of stakes but I was dropped from my team on three occasions. For being honest. I was a 'keeper and told the ref if he gave a goal kick when I'd actually put the ball out that I touched it. I feel a cunt writing it now but that was what I was taught and nurtured to do, be honest. Being dropped sent all the wrong messages to an 11 year old IMO.

lowermarshhammer 11:47 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
The problem for people like me is when people cheat against you it makes you really furious, often far more than the situation merits.

I can remember playing killer on a pool table for miniscule amounts of money and bring cheated and getting PROPERLY upset about it.

Suppose that makes me the cunt.

lowermarshhammer 11:43 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
I absolutely detest cheating. Play hard, play fair, a win win by cheating is worth fuck all in my book.

From a very early age I was taught it was something that you simply did not do.

When I played sports as a kid I can honestly say I never cheated apart from one occasion when I won a fishing match. I think I was 11.

It was a small lake, I'd been catching frequently throughout and looking around I knew that it was obvious that I was in with a very decent chance. The lad next to me had only about three or four fish in his keepnet and slipped them into mine just before the whistle.

Feel bad about it nearly 4 decades later even though those 4 fish didn't make any difference, I'd have won anyway.

Cheating is for cunts.

jakehammer 11:26 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
it doesn't help when you get radio/tv presenters like the godawful cundy on talkshite saying that it's not cheating but "bending the rules".
cundy, it's fucking cheating, no more, no less.
shearer was one of the biggest cheats in football, where his elbow weapons were regularly used against opposing players, which he generally got away with.
no, cheating is cheating and the likes of kane and Alli need to be dealt with proprly with their diving etc.

jfk 11:23 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
Cheating in any walk of life is wrong.

zebthecat 11:11 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
"There was contact" really pisses me off.

Alfs 10:51 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
A very good point, Ginge. I was amazed NFA was taken against the Bournemouth Maradonna.

jack flash 9:34 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
Winning by cheating used to be a hollow, pointless victory

Now, winning for a lot of competitors is about earning more money by fair means or foul, it doesn't really matter any more

Alex Bunbury 9:24 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
Cheating in football is condoned with people like Shearer and Lineker advocating diving and players and managers being able to treat referees with complete disrespect. Cricket has its problems but the standards of player sportsmanship are generally far higher than football.

Far Cough 8:18 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
It doesn't have minimal impact, it greatly alters the trajectory through the air by swing

happygilmore 8:18 Fri Mar 30
Re: Cheats in sport
calm down Ginger

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